→ Introduction: An Arms Race and Human Suffering
→ Overview: Organization and Workforce
→ Preparation of the Construction Site
→ Construction of the Bunker
→ The Bunker after the War
→ The Establishment of the Concentration Camp Group Muehldorf
→ Camp Mettenheim
→ Waldlager 5/6
→ The Inmates: Origin and Management
→ The Unterkommandos Mittergars, Thalham and Zangberg
→ Organization of the Concentration Camp Muehldorf
→ The SS
→ Life in the Camp
→ Work
→ Crimes against Prisoners
→ The End of Camp Muehldorf
→ The Local Population and the Inmates
See also the English Study of Prof. Bankel: https://w3-mediapool.hm.edu/mediapool/media/fk01/fk01_lokal/verffentlichungen/publikationen/bankel09-German.pdf