Various concentration camps had so-called Außenkommandos which were responsible for selecting suitable laborers from concentration camp inmates. Near the end of World War II, the Dachau concentration camp had established 164 Außenkommandos all over southern Bavaria. Außenkommando Muehldorf was part of the biggest three in Bavaria (Kaufering and Muenchen-Allach being the other two) with 5,000 to 10,000 inmates.
In July of 1944, SS-Hauptscharfuehrer (senior squad leader) Sebastian Eberl arrived from Dachau in Muehldorf with 50 inmates. This inmate unit was formed to overhaul and revamp the 1940/1941 Wehrmachtsbekleidungslager (Wehrmacht clothing storage facility), which was located next to the Ersatzflughafen Mettenheim (auxiliary airfield Mettenheim) into barracks for other inmates. At the same time, the Organization Todt and SS-Hauptscharfuehrer Ammer took control over specific property in the forest for the construction of Waldlager 5, a concentration camp housing project. Unterkommandos arrived at the end of October, 1944 in Mittergars and in Thalham in March of 1945, Oberkommando Zangberg arrived. The SS soon divided the inmates based on sex. The larger male population was housed in Mettenheim and Waldlager while the smaller female population was lodged in Mettenheim II or Waldlager 6. Another Waldlager (Nr. 4) was planned in the fall of 1944 to be built along the rail tracks Muehldorf-Rosenheim route and like Waldlager 5/6 was to be surrounded by a safety fence made up of barbed wire. Due to the ending of World War II, these projects were never completed.