The land on which the bunker was to be built was taken from its rightful owners (farmers from the Ampfing and Mettenheim region) without permission. In mid May, 600 members of the Organization Todt took over the nearby Ecksberg institution as an office and also built makeshift barracks next to it for housing purposes.
First, the construction site needed the respective facilities and these were soon constructed including a joinery (for the wood), cement shop (for mixing) and a cement brick backery.
Water was sapped from the local Inn canal. Small makeshift bunkers onsite and in Ecksberg, Mettenheim and Ampfing provided shelter against Allied air raids. Light FLAK artillery was positioned onsite to defend against low-flying enemy aircraft. To confuse Allied air reconnaissance and shift potential interest away from the region, a fake construction site was built between Altoetting and Burghausen designed to attract Allied air reconnaissance.
In order to efficiently transport construction materials, a quickly built rail track was built from Muehldorf to Munich. These rails led to the onsite cement depot as well as the main bunker construction site. Beside these tracks was a smaller rail track measuring 90 cm in width which led from Notzen to Ampfing. A further rail connection from Muehldorf to Rosenheim was planned but was work never started on this.